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9. Nov 2022

Diverse Design Lab

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For an inclusive future in product and service development

We have noticed that diversity has so far mainly taken place in communication. But organizations, products, services and business models that exist or are being created are in most cases still geared towards a privileged minority. Together with companies, we want to change this

We have food delivery services for overburdened city dwellers, home office rules for white collar workers, organic markets for high-income customers, digital participation for young people, first-class education for elites and optimized medicine for men. But what about the rest? With women and queer people, the elderly and children, the low-income and educationally disadvantaged, people with disabilities and/or those with a migration background? We need to start looking at less exclusive problems of diverse target groups in order to reflect social changes in the economy. It is also worthwhile for companies to look at new target groups from a financial perspective. In the healthtech sector, for example, investors have discovered women as a new, promising target group. Last year, femtech market turnover amounted to USD 45.6 billion and is estimated to reach around USD 75 billion in 2025.

Jesse Jackson

Politician and civil rights activist

„Inclusion is not a question of political correctness. It is the key to growth.“

For tech companies like Apple, this is part of their growth strategy. Hearing aid headphones, wheelchair-based tracking & workouts, eye-based control are just some of the features developed by Apple. And what may initially help a few has great potential for everyone! We are all limited - temporarily, situationally, continuously. If we make products accessible to everyone, we help everyone. When companies are at the forefront, they increase the attractiveness of their brands and demonstrate their attitude and ability to innovate. This creates new growth that actively shapes social change!

We want to support our customers in this important task by empowering companies to integrate other perspectives in product development. That is why we are initiating the "Diverse Design Lab" and inviting companies to design innovative products and services, then test them and launch them on the market. The aim is to create products and services that are conceived and designed to be diverse.

This is how the Diverse Design Lab works:

As part of the Lab, we work with a new approach. Based on the company's individual challenge, we think outside the box and find creative and inclusive solutions that appeal to diverse target groups and utilize existing market potential. It's all about asking questions, highlighting problems and reclassifying solutions. We deliberately play with exaggerations, use speculative thinking and also allow provocative approaches regardless of the framework conditions. With the designs, we rethink the technological, social, political and cultural dimensions in order to create real innovations and socially transformative solutions.

Open Call

Apply with your company and a specific challenge for our Diverse Design Lab. We will customize our lab to your challenge and make you an offer that includes a half-day or full-day workshop.

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