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27. Feb 2025

New beginnings after the election - entrepreneurial courage counts now

by Paul End
Mensch steigt eine Treppe hinauf.

83 per cent: A strong voter turnout as a strong sign. In favour of a vibrant democracy. For a diversity of opinions. For a country in which things must change. One thing is clear: we need a federal government capable of taking action in the near future. To tackle the major challenges - both in terms of foreign and domestic policy. With clarity, stability and impetus. Especially for the German economy.

But it is also clear that the future of business in Germany will not be shaped in political Berlin alone. New growth requires more than ever from companies in Germany: entrepreneurial responsibility and entrepreneurial courage.

Innovative strength: From the land of ideas to the land of realisation

As the strongest European economic power, Germany must prove itself in the midst of increasing global trade and technology conflicts. The best way to do this is through the one thing that has always made the German economy strong: a high capacity for innovation. Companies are now called upon to consistently develop their business models, venture into future markets and actively utilise new technologies. Those who rely solely on tried and tested successful models will not remain competitive in the current global market dynamics.

This requires courageous entrepreneurial decisions in order to turn the multitude of ideas into marketable products. It requires a corporate culture that allows experimentation, sees mistakes as learning opportunities and honours speed. And managers are needed who not only accompany change, but actively shape it - with a clear innovation strategy, courageous investments and an open mindset.

Artificial intelligence: from experiments to value-creating benefits

In order to live up to the claim of being one of the most innovative countries in the world, companies in Germany must master the central key technologies. Artificial intelligence is one of them. With far-reaching, disruptive power that will unfold over the next few years. With completely new value creation potential that needs to be utilised. In all sectors of the economy.

For German companies, it is not crucial to provide their own large language models. It is much more important to understand AI not just as an (automation) tool, but as a cross-sectional technology that brings with it a multitude of new opportunities. For your own innovative solutions based on it. For targeted applications in our own business contexts and areas of expertise.

What is needed for this? Above all, organisational development, leadership and strategy. Because in most cases, it is not a lack of technological maturity, but a lack of organisational maturity. Empowering and actively involving your own employees, clear roles and responsibilities in the team, an appropriate management culture and integration into the corporate strategy are key success factors for utilising the potential of artificial intelligence as a growth driver.

Responsibility: From market players to social players

This election has made one thing clear: social change affects us all - and companies have a particular responsibility in this regard. The electoral success of the AfD in particular makes us realise that economic and social stability are inextricably linked. Corporate responsibility no longer only encompasses the economic dimension, but also the ecological and social dimensions. Companies shape values, influence discourse and play an active role in shaping the future of our country.

This means that attitude alone is not enough. Companies must take responsibility - for diversity, for social justice, for the defence of fundamental democratic values. Business can and must be a strong voice for freedom, equality and justice. Those who now believe they can stay out of socio-political debates will also lose economic influence in the long term.

New beginnings after the election

The general election has created clarity about the political framework. But new beginnings are not only shaped by politics. It begins in companies, in management, in daily doing. Now is the time for bold decisions: Invest instead of waiting, shape instead of react.

Germany needs new growth. New growth needs innovation. And innovation needs determined companies. Let's go for it.

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